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Autor: Event on Click

“Buy now, pay later” – Klarna deferred payments


We have introduced a new payment method Klarna, which allows you to buy an event ticket but pay for it later. What does purchasing a ticket look like for an event participant? When using Klarna’s deferred payments, a participant does not incur any additional costs, he only pays for the ticket itself. A participant chooses the form of repayment: repayment within 30 days or division of the repayment into 3 equal installments.

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“Buy now, pay later” – Klarna deferred payments

“Kup teraz, zapłać później” – płatności odroczone Klarna


Wprowadziliśmy nową metodę płatności Klarna, która pozwala użytkownikowi kupić bilet na wydarzenie, lecz zapłacić za niego później. Jak wygląda zakup biletu od strony uczestnika wydarzenia? Uczestnik korzystając z płatności odroczonych Klarna nie ponosi żadnych dodatkowych kosztów, płaci tylko za sam bilet. Uczestnik wybiera formę spłaty należności: spłata w ciągu 30 dni lub podział spłaty na 3 równe raty.

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“Kup teraz, zapłać później” – płatności odroczone Klarna

New payment methods popular in Western Europe


Instant online payments are based on the fact that different payment methods appear dynamically on the operator’s payment page depending on the user’s location. For example, a user in Poland will see different available payment methods than a user in Western Europe. With these users in mind, we have introduced 3 new payment methods: Bancontact (popular in Belgium), iDEAL (popular in the Netherlands/Netherlands), Giropay (popular in Germany).

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New payment methods popular in Western Europe

Nowe metody płatności popularne w Europie Zachodniej


Natychmiastowe płatności online polegają na tym, że na stronie płatności operatora pojawiają się dynamicznie różne metody płatności w zależności od lokalizacji użytkownika. Przykładowo, użytkownik w Polsce zobaczy inne dostępne metody płatności niż użytkownik z Europy Zachodniej. Z myślą o tych użytkownikach wprowadziliśmy 3 nowe metody płatności Bancontact (popularny w Belgii), iDEAL (popularny w Niderlandach/Holandii), Giropay (popularny w Niemczech).

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Nowe metody płatności popularne w Europie Zachodniej

Hello World!


Hi! We are a platform for selling tickets online for events. Our platform has existed on the Polish market (Europe) for about 8 years. Over the last 2 months, we have been working intensively on the English version of our platform. If you are organizing an event, it is worth allowing your audience to purchase tickets online.

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Hello World!

Does the participant have to have a printed ticket?


It’s up to you as the event organizer. We recommend that you also accept presenting your ticket on a mobile device. In both cases, you can easily scan the QR code on the ticket. How to scan QR codes on tickets?

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What to do when a participant to resign from the event? Do I have to refund my ticket?


If the participant has not paid: cancel his/her ticket. Canceling a ticket means that the number of available seats for the event (if a seating limit has been set) will increase by the number of canceled tickets.   If the participant has paid for the ticket and you want to make a refund When editing the […]

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How to prepare a list of event participants?


Participants’ data can be downloaded as a file and is available in two places: “Events” tab. In the edition of each event there is a tab with a list of participants, which you can download to an Excel file. “Participants” tab, where you can download all participants’ data to a CSV file or filtered data […]

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Where can I find the invoice details provided by the participant?


When the event is paid, the participant can provide invoice details during registration. Invoice data is available in 2 places: 1. In the “Participants” tab, in the details of a given ticket. 2. In a CSV file that you can download in the “Participants” tab (“Export all to CSV” button). If you would like to […]

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How to change the participant’s data provided when registering for the event?


You cannot change the participant’s data yourself. If the participant provided incorrect or incorrect data during registration, please contact us by e-mail providing the correct participant data. Alternatively: the participant can re-register and you can cancel the older ticket, which will be deleted after a short time (within approximately 1 day).

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